Imagination: Divergent Thinking

Have you ever heard about divergent thinking?

It is an essential capacity for creativity. It is the ability to see lots of possible answers to a question.

Divergent Thinking is not the same as creativity, which would be defined as followed: the process of having original ideas that have value.

Divergent thinking is the ability not to think linear or in convergent ways. The book Breakpoint and Beyond by Georg Land and Beth Jarman describes pre-schooler as geniuses in divergent thinking.




Two key programmes of human behaviour are habits and imagination. They are far more powerful than logic and will power. All our creativitity and achievement start in the imagination. Hence, I will begin this small series called “imagination”.

I will take one sentence from my diary and I will creatively finish it with my imagination :).

Who Moved my Cheese?


An amazing book in the face of change.

Some Advice from the book:

Fear can hold you back. What would you do if you were not afraid? Fear-based? Afraid to change.

What makes you happy is to know that you are not run by your fear.

Some fear is very useful. Too much fear immobilises you.

The best way to change is to laugh at yourself.

If you realise that new cheese is better then it is fun to change.

Old beliefs do not lead to success.

Always expect change.

Noticing small changes earlier help you to adapt to bigger changes that are to come.

Change-skills. can you accept change.

Most important: Imagination. Imagine new cheese!